Digital Library

Aims & Scope
The Digital Library is a new initiative of the Agrarian South Network whose purpose is to create a platform for dialogue and political education among popular movements and political organizations. The Library is currently in the planning phase.
The Library will provide an open source platform for dialogue among movements and organizations on a tri-continental basis to share their histories, experiences, and challenges by means of existing material in digital or audio-visual format. The library will consist of documents produced by movements and organizations and official publications by linking up websites across the world to facilitate access.
The Library will also provide a platform for political education by creating compilations of writings by leading intellectuals in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. As an open source platform, the library will serve as a resource for political education programmes among existing movements and organizations, as well as for researchers interested in subjects and issues relevant to contemporary and historical political issues.
The Library will operate in synergy with the annual Study Groups of the Network dedicated to advanced theoretical training and collective reflection on the challenges of our times.
The Library will embrace linguistic diversity and seek a mode of operation capable of involving all regions effectively.