Obituário – Yahya Sinwar

Nota: O martírio de Abu Ibrahim – Yahya Sinwar – em um confronto armado com as forças militares coloniais israelenses veio logo após a “proscrição” conjunta EUA-Canadá da Samidoun e de Khaled Barakat, colocando sanções financeiras e criminais a qualquer um que lhes ofereça apoio material. Isso ocorre após uma campanha sustentada, orquestrada pelo governo

Freedom Mazwi1 & George Mudimu2 Introduction On the 8th of October 2024 the Zimbabwean state announced plans to issue private title on land held by Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) land beneficiaries. The announcement was met with excitement by certain analysts, civil society and political actors from across the political divide. This intervention is

By Deivison Faustino and Walter Lippold Translated by Adilson Skalski Zabiela Originally published in Portuguese at Boitempo’s blog How is it possible, and what does it mean, that pagers and walkie-talkies exploded simultaneously in Lebanon? We are at one of those historical moments that can be considered a “point of no return”: widespread climate collapses,

Sovereignty and Solidarity in Late Neocolonialism   The SMAIAS/ASN Summer School brings together young and veteran researchers and activists from all continents, especially from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and provides for collective reflection and learning. Interested researchers and activists are invited to submit paper proposals (abstracts) of up to 200 words, in