Summer School
Aims & Scope
The SMAIAS-ASN Summer School is an annual event since 2009, organized by The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies and the Agrarian South Network. The Summer School is held at SMAIAS in Harare, Zimbabwe, and brings together young and veteran scholars and activists from Africa, Asia, and Latin America/Caribbean for a week-long plenary event. This is the main regular event of ASN since its inception, where new ideas are presented and debated and issues related to contemporary world affairs are discussed. The Summer School provides for a collective reflection on current research, theory, and politics, with a view to refine analytical capacities and contribute to collective learning. Every Summer School is guided by a specific theme, which often becomes a special issue in the journal in the subsequent year and later a South-South book publication. The Summer School is also the occasion for the annual Sam Moyo Memorial Lecture.
The Agrarian Question and Alternative Development Strategies | 2009 |
The Agrarian Question: Historical Trajectories and Contemporary Policy Alternatives | 2010 |
Global Crisis, Scramble and Agrarian Reform in the South | 2011 |
Scramble for Africa’s Resources, Accumulation from Below, and Food Security | 2012 |
Political Economy of Food Sovereignty in the Global South: Prospects and Contexts | 2013 |
Agrarian Labour in the Global South: Diversity of Farm & Non-Farm Rural Work | 2014 |
The Future of the Peasantry and Rural Development | 2015 |
Progressive Social Forces, Gender and the Agrarian Questions | 2016 |
Labour Questions in the Contemporary Global South | 2017 |
Global Agricultural Value Networks and Contract Farming in the Global South | 2018 |
Social Policy in the Global South: The Challenge of Socio-economic Justice and Agro-ecological Development | 2019 |
Race, Caste and Indigenous Peoples in the Global South: Ecology as Common | 2020 |
Alternatives for the South: Liberation, Development and Ecology | 2021 |
Pathways to a Just Transition: Ecology and Popular Movements in the South | 2022 |
Popular Movements Today: Class Struggles in Rural and Urban Peripheries 🔗 | 2023 |
Rural and Urban Industrialization: Towards a Great Leap Forward 🔗 | 2024 |
Sovereignty and Solidarity in Late Neocolonialism 🔗 |
Sam Moyo Memorial Lectures