The Agrarian South Network (ASN) will convene a Study Group on the theme of ‘Socialist Transition: Problems of Delinking and Planning in the Periphery’, to be held from March to October 2023, in ten (10) online sessions. The study group will provide a space for collective reflection and learning among political activists and cadre, researchers, postgraduate students, and academic faculty on fundamental issues pertaining to socialist transition in the twenty-first century. The theme will bring focus to problems of delinking and the challenges of economic planning in the contemporary social formations of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
The objective is to gain analytical perspective and conceptual rigor on the challenges of socialist transition in the twenty-first century. Special attention will be given to problems of delinking and trajectories of socialist planning from the twentieth century to the present. The method of historical materialism will guide this collective reflection with an interest in advancing contemporary thought and practice in the Marxist traditions of the Third World. Current debates and publications within the Agrarian South Network and the journal Agrarian South will also be discussed and assessed.
Study method
The language medium will be English. The sessions will take place on Zoom, every three weeks on Wednesdays. The time of the sessions will be GMT 13:00 (with adjustments for daylight savings where applicable). The basic readings and some complementary texts will be provided in electronic format. The sessions will entail a brief presentation of readings by designated participants followed by discussion. Every session will seek to build on prior sessions to ensure a cumulative learning process. The allocation of presentations will be defined in advance on an equitable basis. The dates of the sessions may be subject to adjustments.
Organization and participation
The collaborating organizations of this ASN initiative include The Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) in Zimbabwe, the Centre for Agrarian Research and Education for South (CARES) in India, and Coletivo Novo Bandung in Brazil. Participation in the study group will be by invitation, recommendation, and a public call for expression of interest. There will be a limited number of 40 places. An even distribution among the three continents will be pursued. Women are especially encouraged to participate.
Selection of Participants
More information about other editions of our study group available here.