Research Bulletin

Aims & Scope
The ASN Research Bulletin was created in 2020 as a platform for reflection on the unfolding crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. The aim of the Bulletin is to generate a regular forum for debate and critical reflection among progressive forces across the South, based on empirical, historical, and theoretical analysis.
The Bulletin is an online publication with short interventions of political or theoretical nature, with contributions ranging between 2,000-3,000 words. The Bulletin began as a monthly publication and today is published every two months. The thematic focus of each issue reflects current and urgent social questions which lend themselves to comparative analysis and/or learning across various social and political terrains of the South.
Editorial Team
- Abeer Abazeed, Egypt
- Damián Lobos, Argentina
- Freedom Mazwi, Zimbabwe
- Luccas Gissoni, Brazil
- Manish Kumar, India
- Max Ajl, USA/Tunisia
- Sarah Raymundo, Philippines
Associate editors
- Beatriz Gomes Cornachin
- Bernardo Schirmer Muratt
- Bosman Batubara
- Dhouha Djerbi
- Dzifa Torvikey
- Ebenezer Ewusie-Mensah
- Gabriella Mendez-Chavez
- Helyeh Doutaghi
- Hashim Rashid
- Heythem Smida-Geusmi
- Hibist Kassa
- Jemima Pierre
- Júlio Cambanco
- Karim Eid-Sabbagh
- Karlo Mikhail Mongaya
- Kenia Antonio Cardoso
- Lucas Koerner
- Matheus Moreira
- Mazibuko Jara
- Ng’wanza Kamata
- Preksha Mishra
- Rafael Soriano
- Rajinder Singh
- Rakhee Kewada
- Sabatho Nyamasenda
- Steven Mberi
- Twinkle Siwach