Professor Issa Shivji’s paper “Is Marxist Method Political Economy?” has been published in the latest issue of CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 1, 2022. The paper is available here.

Professor Max Ajl’s paper “Interpret the World Correctly in Advance of Changing it“, a review of “Rethinking the Social Sciences with Sam Moyo” (eds. Praveen Jha, Paris Yeros, and Walter Chambati), has been published in the latest issue of CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 1, 2022. The paper is available here.

RESEARCH WEBINAR SERIES: “Zimbabwe’s Command Agriculture: An Assessment of Heterodox Economic Measures under Neoliberalism” by Freedom Mazwi Date & Time: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022, 11 am – 12.30 pm. Enquiries: Join the Webinar on MS Teams .

BOOK LAUNCH: Farming and Working under Contract: Peasant and Workers in Global Agricultural Value Systems Editors: P. Jha, P. Yeros, W. Chambati & F. Mazwi. Publisher: Tulika Books (New Delhi). Speakers: H. Kassa, T. Lima, & A. Prasad. Date & Time: June 29th, 2022, 1-3 pm (UTC). Register on Zoom or tune in on Facebook

ASN Research Bulletin Mar-Apr 2022

Our new research bulletin is out! This and the previous editions can be found in our Research Bulletin page.

This issue examines the fate of the unseen, unheard, and permanently precarious working people in capitalism’s now obsolete march, whose uncertain destiny has been aggravated by COVID-19 crisis. Click the link to read more

Paris Yeros*Trad. Kenia Cardoso

Click link below to access article

Elements of a New Bandung by Paris Yeros

The World Pre-revolutionary Situation We stand at the threshold of a world revolutionary situation. We can be certain now that mass mobilizations and serial insurrectional outbreaks will occur throughout this decade and that they will amount to much more than a passing phase of social unrest. Polarization is far advanced in the peripheries of the

FM – Good Morning. Welcome to this conversation with Mwalimu Professor Issa Shivji, a development and law expert. He has worked quite a lot in Africa, in places that include the University of Dar es Salaam, Zimbabwe and South Africa.  He is one of the leading lights at CODESRIA, one of the leading research institutions