Dialogue Series #04 – Revisiting the Land and Agrarian Questions in Africa with Walter Chambati
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Research Bulletin: April to May 2021 Issue- RECLAIMING THE NATION
In the seminal edited volume from which this issue borrows its thematic title, Moyo and Yeros (2011) turned to “the task of bringing the national question back to life as a specifically economic question.” Through a focus on the internal dynamics of states, they summed up the imperative of the national question as a movement towards reclaiming natural resources, namely land, energy and mineral deposits, and restructuring of the apparatus of the state in the name of the oppressed. Click the link below to read the April-May 2021 issue
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Dialogue Series#03 with Profs Sit Tsui & Kin Chi Lau on China’s New Development Challenges
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Platform for Dialogue Series#02 Prof.Issa Shivji on “The Pitfalls of Nationalism”
with #DzodziTsikata & Sandeep Chachra
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Platform for Dialogue Series #01 Pandemic Shock, Economic Crisis and Socialist Alternatives with Prof. Prabhat Patnaik
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Message from the Feminist Africa Editorial Team
Dear, Friends and Colleagues,
It is with enormous pleasure that we proudly announce that after our 3-year break and relocation to the University of Ghana’s Institute of African Studies, Feminist Africa is once again up and running. We begin our second phase of existence with the long-awaited re-launch issue on a topic of great urgency and strategic importance to Africa and the world, entitled:
Extractivism, Resistance, Alternatives
Feminist Africa 2021, Volume 2, Issue 1
Edited by long-time Feminist African editors, contributors, and activist scholars, Charmaine Pereira and Dzodzi Tsikata, this issue continues Feminist Africa’s tradition of being digitally available and openly accessible to the world. With this re-launching, we continue to ensure that African knowledge and information can be freely available to readers across Africa and the rest of the world, to overcome the exclusionary pay-walls of corporate and academic capitalist publishers.
A great many Feminist Africans have laboured, struggled and otherwise contributed to establish our new digital infrastructure, and we have new people working on all aspects of our editorial and production process. This effort is led and driven by the Feminist African community’s dedication and commitment to Feminist Africa’s shared vision and mission.
Enjoy reading and be inspired to activism.
Amina Mama,
On behalf of FA’s Collective Editorship: Dzodzi Tsikata, Charmaine Pereira, Sylvia Tamale, Hope Chigudu.
FA expresses collective appreciation to the following funding partners for contributing resources for behind the scenes, digital upgrading, training and capacity-building: African Women’s Development Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Ford Foundation West Africa and Open Society Initiative for East Africa.
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Agrarian South Study Group 2021
Social Formations, Past and Present
The Agrarian South Network and its partners are pleased to announce the final selection of political activists, postgraduate students, researchers and academic faculty members who will be part of the 2021 Study Group on Social Formations, Past and Present. These participants are drawn from Africa, Asia and Latin America and special consideration on regional and gender balance was given in the selection process. Below is the list of the selected participants.
Adwoa Yeboah Gyapong, Ghana
Angeline Annesteus, Haiti
Ashish Kajla, India
Awanish Kumar, India
Bernard Baha, Tanzania
Charity Rusere, South Africa/Zimbabwe
Damián Lobos, Argentina
Deivison Mendes Faustino, Brazil
Dzifa Torvikey, Ghana
Elisa Greco, France
Eric Tei-Kumadoe, Ghana
Faustina Obeng Adomaa, Ghana
Freedom Mazwi, Zimbabwe
Gurpreet Singh, India
Gustavo Rodrigues Lemos, Brazil
Hibist Kassa, South Africa/Ethiopia
Joana Salém, Brazil
Júlio Cambanco, Brazil/Guiné-Bissau
Karim Eid-Sabbagh, Lebanon
Kavita Kabeer, India
Keisha Williams, Jamaica
Kenia Cardoso, Brazil
Leiyo Singo, Tanzania
Manish Kumar, India
Mazibuko Jara, South Africa
Namrata Daniel, Thailand/India
Noaman G. Ali, Pakistan
Petronella Munemo, Ghana
Preksha Mishra, India
Rafael Soriano, Brazil
Rubilson Delcano Velho, Brazil/Guiné-Bissau
Sabatho Nyamsenda, Tanzania
Sammer Siman, Brazil
Santosh Varma, India
Soundarya Iyer, UK/India
Srishti Yadav, USA/India
Steven Mberi, Zimbabwe
Sudeep Shrestha, Nepal
Tina Mfanga, Tanzania
Twinkle Siwach, India
Umesh Yadav, India
Weber Lopes Góes, Brazil
Editors & Associate Editors
Archana Prasad, India
Dzodzi Tsikata, Ghana
Issa Shivji, Tanzania
Lyn Ossome, South Africa/Uganda
Marcelo Rosa, Brazil
Max Ajl, USA/Tunisia
Paris Yeros, Brazil
Praveen Jha, India
Sandeep Chachra, India
Vitor Schincariol, Brazil
Walter Chambati, Zimbabwe
Participants will receive a Zoom link by email and other information for the organizational meeting that will occur on 17 March.
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Social Formations, Past and Present
The Agrarian South Network and its partners are pleased to announce the final selection of political activists, postgraduate students, researchers and academic faculty members who will be part of the 2021 Study Group on Social Formations, Past and Present. These participants are drawn from Africa, Asia and Latin America and special consideration on regional and gender balance was given in the selection process. Below is the list of the selected participants.
Adwoa Yeboah Gyapong, Ghana
Angeline Annesteus, Haiti
Ashish Kajla, India
Awanish Kumar, India
Bernard Baha, Tanzania
Charity Rusere, South Africa/Zimbabwe
Damián Lobos, Argentina
Deivison Mendes Faustino, Brazil
Dzifa Torvikey, Ghana
Elisa Greco, France
Eric Tei-Kumadoe, Ghana
Faustina Obeng Adomaa, Ghana
Freedom Mazwi, Zimbabwe
Gurpreet Singh, India
Gustavo Rodrigues Lemos, Brazil
Hibist Kassa, South Africa/Ethiopia
Joana Salém, Brazil
Júlio Cambanco, Brazil/Guiné-Bissau
Karim Eid-Sabbagh, Lebanon
Kavita Kabeer, India
Keisha Williams, Jamaica
Kenia Cardoso, Brazil
Leiyo Singo, Tanzania
Manish Kumar, India
Mazibuko Jara, South Africa
Namrata Daniel, Thailand/India
Noaman G. Ali, Pakistan
Petronella Munemo, Ghana
Preksha Mishra, India
Rafael Soriano, Brazil
Rubilson Delcano Velho, Brazil/Guiné-Bissau
Sabatho Nyamsenda, Tanzania
Sammer Siman, Brazil
Santosh Varma, India
Soundarya Iyer, UK/India
Srishti Yadav, USA/India
Steven Mberi, Zimbabwe
Sudeep Shrestha, Nepal
Tina Mfanga, Tanzania
Twinkle Siwach, India
Umesh Yadav, India
Weber Lopes Góes, Brazil
Editors & Associate Editors
Archana Prasad, India
Dzodzi Tsikata, Ghana
Issa Shivji, Tanzania
Lyn Ossome, South Africa/Uganda
Marcelo Rosa, Brazil
Max Ajl, USA/Tunisia
Paris Yeros, Brazil
Praveen Jha, India
Sandeep Chachra, India
Vitor Schincariol, Brazil
Walter Chambati, Zimbabwe
Participants will receive a Zoom link by email and other information for the organizational meeting that will occur on 17 March.
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The Agrarian South Network will convene a Study Group on the theme of ‘Social Formations, Past and Present’, to be held from March to November 2021, in fifteen online sessions.
The study group will provide a space for collective reflection and learning among postgraduate students, political activists, researchers, and academic faculty on fundamental issues in the social sciences at this crucial juncture of world crisis.
PLACES ARE LIMITED. Interested persons are invited to send a short bio and statement of intent (max. 200 words) to agrariansouth@gmail.com, by 7 March. Preference will be given to women and persons from Africa, Asia, and Latin America/Caribbean.
The list of selected participants will be published on 10 March on http://agrariansouth.org (results will not be communicated individually). Further information attached. women and persons from Africa, Asia, and Latin America/Caribbean.
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Dialogue Series #1: Spectres of Crises, Rays of Hope: Revolution, Liberation and Development Today
Prof. Prabhat Patnaik on “Pandemic shock, economic crises and socialist alternatives:
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