Tribute to Samir Amin: The Return of Fascism and the Challenge of Delinking This special issue is a tribute to Samir Amin, who left us in August 2018. Amin was a dear friend, inspiring teacher, and comrade who was on the frontlines of the most decisive political and ideological battles of our times. Born in
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Late Neo-colonialism: Monopoly Capitalism in Permanent Crisis
Late Neo-colonialism: Monopoly Capitalism in Permanent Crisis[1] By Paris Yeros and Praveen Jha Forthcoming in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2020, Special Issue, ‘Tribute to Samir Amin: The Return of Fascism and the Challenge of Delinking’. Abstract: This article celebrates the lifelong contribution of Samir Amin by advancing the
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An Interview with Max Ajl on Agrarian Change in Tunisia
Entretien avec Max Ajl This interview was conducted by Selim Nadi and originally appeared in Contretemps in French. You work mainly on agrarian political economy and your PhD is on Tunisian state agriculture development policy in the post-1980s period. But let’s go back to the Tunisian independence period: to what extent was the issue
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Towards A Better Understanding of Zimbabwe’s Trimodal Agrarian Structure
Freedom Mazwi and George T. Mudimu Introduction Indeed the Fast Track Land Reform Program (FTRLP) foregrounded many patterns, at the same time calling for improved and more reality oriented heuristics. Thus, prompting the rise of various models and conceptualisations as researchers and policy makers grappled to have a better understanding of the emergent reality. In
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Is nationalisation and state custodianship of land a solution? The case of Mozambique
By Boaventura Monjane After ten years of the liberation war against the Portuguese colonial regime, Mozambique ended the colonial system of land tenure, access and management, and nationalised all land. The Mozambique Liberation Front, Frelimo, introduced a socialist economy, based on the nationalisation of industry, state-controlled land reform, and a heavily supported social sector, including
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Women and Naked Protests in Uganda: Breathing new life into feminist discourse that women do not own land
Theresa Auma Eilu* Blog Article submitted to SMAIAS to be posted on Agrarian South Network (ASN) 24 July 2019 As a form of resistance to the recent emergence of large-scale land acquisition in Uganda, women have been at the forefront of violent confrontations with state authorities and investors. In a context where the dominant feminist
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Does the support for ‘second inning’ of Modi-Government indicate the absence of Agrarian Distress in India?
By Manish Kumar The incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), backed by the right wing ideology has been elected for the second consecutive term in India. The Modi-led BJP government has been endorsed with 303 seats in Lok Sabha out of 543 with the largest vote share (44%), 5% more than their vote share in
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CONSEA’s extinction is a set back for the Human Right to Adequate Food
Jenifer Queila Santana Former Counselor of CONSEA PhD Candidate on Political Science at Federal University of Pernambuco Member of the Research Group of Hunger and International Relations (FomeRI/UFPB) The Food and Nutrition Security (SAN, in Portuguese) policy suffered attacks on the first day of President Jair Bolsonaro’s government. Provisional Measure (PM) No. 870 promulgated
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In the Wake of the Namibian Second National Land Conference
Pablo Gilolmo Lobo* In 1991, in the aftermath of independence, the Namibian government hosted a National Land Conference in order to tackle one of the main colonial heritages that motivated the liberation struggle and urged the new national project: land redistribution. In October 2018, and in the face of the rachitic record showed by
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Argentina: Who is going to pay?
We understand that this course of action depends almost entirely on the disarmament of the agrarian right wing collation, focusing the interventions on the concentrating agents (agrarian pools, landowners, exporting companies) and for the benefit of the middle and family agriculture. Damian Lobos* Argentina´s next government will have a complex fiscal situation. After three years
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