This issue examines the fate of the unseen, unheard, and permanently precarious working people in capitalism’s now obsolete march, whose uncertain destiny has been aggravated by COVID-19 crisis. Click the link to read more

Paris Yeros*Trad. Kenia Cardoso

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Elements of a New Bandung by Paris Yeros

The World Pre-revolutionary Situation We stand at the threshold of a world revolutionary situation. We can be certain now that mass mobilizations and serial insurrectional outbreaks will occur throughout this decade and that they will amount to much more than a passing phase of social unrest. Polarization is far advanced in the peripheries of the

FM – Good Morning. Welcome to this conversation with Mwalimu Professor Issa Shivji, a development and law expert. He has worked quite a lot in Africa, in places that include the University of Dar es Salaam, Zimbabwe and South Africa.  He is one of the leading lights at CODESRIA, one of the leading research institutions

ASN Research Bulletin #10 : A New World View Editorial Theme: A New World View This tenth issue of the ASN Research Bulletin returns to foundational liberation questions regarding concrete analysis of where we are, and what is to be done. It brings together three prominent voices for liberation in far-reaching reflections on the condition

Editorial The contributions in this issue highlight on the one hand, the weakening of the traditional peasantry through ongoing processes of agricultural modernization, and on the other, sustained struggles by those who till the land to protect their ecosystems, livelihoods, and as a basis for survival. These contradictory elements that stress rural working people and


ESCUELA DE VERANO SMAIAS-ASN 2022: 17–21 de enero de 2022 Caminos hacia una Transición Justa: Ecología y Movimientos Populares en el Sur En la etapa actual de crisis sistémica, el control de la naturaleza no humana en las periferias globales se ha convertido en una preocupación central para el capital monopolista. La disputa por la


ESCOLA DE VERÃO DO SMAIAS-ASN 2022: 17–21 de janeiro de 2022 Caminhos para uma Transição Justa: Ecologia e Movimentos Populares no Sul No estágio atual de crise sistêmica, o controle da natureza não humana nas periferias globais pelo capital monopolista tornou-se uma preocupação central. A livre apropriação da natureza das periferias não é nova, mas

A New Bandung in the Current Crisis

Paris Yeros[1] The current crisis is a permanent crisis of monopoly capitalism (Yeros & Jha, 2020). Its precise character must continue to be interrogated as it evolves so that focused attention may be brought to the politics and solidarity that are required. This is an ever more urgent task as that the Covid-19 pandemic has